Friday, July 25, 2014

Cup of Faith - Day 5

Scripture of the Day


1 John 4:18 - Perfect love casts out fear.

Devotion of the Day

Today's devotion is taken from the devotional Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham.  

When I understand something of Christ's love for me as a sinner, I respond with love for Christ and that love includes feelings and emotions.

But emotions come and go, and we must not allow them to mislead us. God loves me, whether I "feel" it or not. Christians who gauge their relationship with Christ only by their feelings seldom have a stable spiritual life.

What makes the difference? It can be summarized in one word: commitment. Feelings come and go, but commitment stays. We who have committed our lives to Christ may feel joy, gratitude, love, and so on. But even when we don't have those feelings, our commitment keeps us true to Christ. 

This commitment not only keeps us faithful to Christ when we don't feel like it; it also keeps away negative emotions such as doubt and fear.  

Focus Points for Today

Question - What do you think of the statement from today's devotion "Christians who gauge their relationship with Christ only by their feelings seldom have a stable spiritual life"? Would you agree or disagree? Why?

Action - The writer says that our commitment to Christ can also keep us away from negative emotions like fear and doubt. Our verse of the day even says "Perfect love casts out fear". When we are in Christ we have a Perfect Love. Christ's love will cast out any doubt or fear we have -- when we allow him to cast it out. Talk to Christ today about a doubt or fear that you want to let go of. Let His love take care of it today!

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