Sunday, July 6, 2014

Cup of Faith - Day 1

Scripture of the Day 

Psalm 23:5-6

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord


Devotion of the Day

Here is where it all began. David writes in Psalm 23 about a table he is at with his enemies. He says that God anoints his head with oil and his cup overflows. This is the verse that inspired me to think about a life where our cup is overflowing. So what can we learn from Psalm 23:5?

An article I read about this verse said, "In David’s time, there were few “inns” or places for travelers to stay or even secure food. The rules of hospitality of the time required that residents along the traveler’s path at least provide food and drink for those who asked. At the end of the meal, the host would often pour a final glass of wine. 

If the host poured a half cup, it was a sign to the guest that the host’s obligation of hospitality had been met, and that it was time for the traveler to move on. But if the host poured the cup until it overflowed, it was an invitation to the guest to spend the night (or longer).
In Psalm 23, David has been granted hospitality at God’s table. At the end of the meal, God pours the cup to overflowing. It is God’s invitation to stay, to LIVE in His house, to be received into His kingdom."

Focus Points for the Day

Question - As Christian women God has poured into our cup until it overflows showing us that we too are invited to LIVE in His house and be part of his Kingdom. There is enough for us! Enough love, enough peace, enough blessings! So the question for today is....What does it look like when we are living a life with an overflowing cup?

Action - Take a water glass to the sink and fill it with water...then let it overflow. Use this image to remind you of God's action of filling your cup till it overflows! If you have a special child in your life show them the cup and tell them about how God wants to fill our lives with more than enough love, peace, and many, many blessings!

Christian Blessings Website (
The Wiersbe OT Bible Commentary (pg. 902-903)

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